A Message from the Chairman of the WineAmerica Board

WineAmerica Chairman Eddie O’Keefe has accepted the resignation of Executive Director Mark Chandler, effective May 15.  Mr. Chandler had a one year contract with WineAmerica which expired in February, but stayed on a few extra months to conclude some important business matters.

“While I look forward to some exciting new professional opportunities that have come forth, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the WineAmerica Board, membership, and staff of such a vital industry organization,” said Mark Chandler.  “The creation of a new State and Regional Associations Advisory Council has been a significant accomplishment, as have a number of operational and cost-saving improvements that have put WineAmerica on a more promising financial footing moving into the future.  Michael Kaiser and Tara Good are doing a great job as staff members of WineAmerica, and I am confident in their ability to take it to the next level.  I wish the organization all the best in the future.”

Chairman of the WineAmerica Board Eddie O’Keefe said, “We have enjoyed working with Mark, and are pleased at several significant accomplishments achieved during his tenure at WineAmerica.  Our remaining staff members, Tara Good, and Michael Kaiser, are capable professionals who always take the initiative to do what is needed, from membership recruitment to organizing meetings and addressing members of our industry at conferences and elsewhere.  We also intend to engage a contract lobbyist to oversee important legislative matters of the American wine industry.  We wish Mark great success in his future endeavors.”