WSWA Announces CARE Act Now "Off The Table

The Wine Institute and WineAmerica applaud the Wine and Spirits Wholesalers
of America (WSWA) for its announcement that “the CARE Act is officially
off the table” and that the association will no longer seek co-sponsors
or passage of the bill (H.R. 1161).

We are disappointed, however, that beer wholesalers have announced they
will continue their Quixotic pursuit of H.R. 1161, legislation that is
widely viewed as anticompetitive and unnecessary. While we commend WSWA
for its decision to work with wine and spirits suppliers on a mutually
beneficial legislative agenda, we strongly urge the National Beer
Wholesalers Association (NBWA) to consider doing the same. It is
imperative that in these tough economic times, all sectors of our
industry work together for the greater good and not seek to divide by
pursuing misguided legislative proposals as the NBWA continues to do.